Happy Thanksgiving Family!
I've been thinking of you and thought I would post a quick note. We are having a whirlwind time here in Bemidji. With Ruth here & living with us, it's a party all the time. And we love it! Several nights a week there are groups of young adults hanging out at our house -often until 1 or 2 in the morning! Whether it's Wii dancing or studying or worshipping or talking by the fire, there always seems to be a crowd.
We have been seeing God transform lives. It's amazing to see a young man with an anger problem start to take responsibility for his words and his actions, and be deeply repentant about the people he's hurt. Or another super liberal young man who doesn't seem to have an ounce of conscience start to realize that honoring people around him is a socially responsible thing to do, that forgiveness isn't just a Christian reality. And in turn, starts to think that choosing to live as a Christian is a good thing. Or the young Democrat who realizes that he will not be blacklisted, but loved, at Chi Alpha for who he is even if his ideas are different. Or the young woman who has spent her life believing that life happens to her start to understand that she gets to choose how she lives- that Christ has come to set her free. These have been amazing.
The conversations with young Hindus- watching God touch them physically during a Friday night worship- is just a wonderful thing. Having kids feel like they have a family, that they're not alone- watching them text people they don't even know to encourage them that taking their life is not a good option- wow, family, it's been quite a month!
But today, I have to make a turkey :) So it's a quick update!! Love you all- have a wonderful week!
Phil & Michelle & clan