Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Hey Family!

Good things are happening in Bemidji! We are seeing people's lives transformed. Last month- or quite recently (can't remember !) I told you about the Sozo (Saved, Healed, Delivered) tool we've been learning. Did I say it was amazing? Oh, yeah, I think I did :) Well- not only have we "sozo'd" all of our family and many of our friends, we are beginning to sozo students and people in our community. We have been getting calls for appointments. We hosted a training, where we trained another 13 people in the method, so we can get this tool in other people's hands and broaden our ability to work with more people.

Currently, we have one church in the area who wants the training so they can start helping people see freedom :) Two other churches have graciously opened their facilities to us so we have a place to meet with people. How cool is that?!?

One young lady we met with recently had gone through some super traumatic stuff- and at one point during her sozo we had to kind of help her out of a post -traumatic stress panic attack. I don't know if that is exactly officially what it is called, but that is what it felt like to us! But God is SO FAITHFUL.....he brought her out and healed her. She literally came bouncing in to the next Friday night worship meeting.....and the next......and the next...... I asked her how she was doing recently, and she said, "GREAT!!!! I have my LIFE back!!" She has gone through the training now and wishes to help others get their lives back with the Sozo tool. This week we have our first Sozo on campus :)

We are so excited about this.

So pray with us, family -school is out in five weeks and we are planning next fall. We will keep you posted! Our kids are doing well- Grace is finishing her requirements to graduate and working on ACT pre-testing, Ilsa and Maddie are plugging away at schoolwork and enjoying their horses and training with me to run the Triathalon in June :)(although Ilsa threw her kneecap out last week...praying for a swift and full recovery so she can still compete!) and Eli is still enjoying first grade at Lincoln Elementary. His teacher adores him and often emails me about all the cute things he does in class :) We are enjoying every stage of life with our kids....what a blessing they are!!!

In regards to Ilsa's knee accident- we do not have insurance :) So if anyone is able to help out with the medical bills, that would be amazing. You can use the donate button on this blog and it comes right to us and you receive a tax-deductible receipt. We don't know how much they are yet, but it involved a 3am emergency room run (long story!! they were up watching movies with students!) about six x-rays, two trips under to get the kneecap back in place, two shots of morphine, and another trip to an ortho. Yay. But she's doing great now, and hoping to still compete in June. (

One resource that we want EVERYONE in the world to experience is Loving on Purpose. We have never found anything more compelling, Biblically sound, motivating, and empowering than his stuff. We use it now with our students, our kids, and ESPECIALLY anyone planning to get married. In fact, we don't marry anyone anymore until they've gone through a personal Sozo and Danny Silk's Defining the Relationship. Our thinking is, "get as cleaned up as we can before we get married!!" There is just nothing better out there, and we've read the other stuff. Check into it- you'll love it.

We recently had a night with internationals over- that was wonderful, as usual. The kitchen was so packed with Americans and internationals we didn't have room to move. We made homemade pasta and had a blast. Our next gathering is to have them all over the day before Easter and treat them to an American Easter dinner, and dying eggs, and an egg hunt! Should be fun!

So family....thanks for reading :) We love you, and we love getting your email updates! I still haven't figured out how to upload videos on here- I'm having trouble changing their format somehow- but when I get it figured out, I'll email you the link.

Have a wonderful April!!
love love love
us Thoofts

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Little Personal Snapshot

Well, family, we are enjoying watching people change around us. For the better I mean. Since we have learned to use the Sozo tool I blogged about a few weeks ago, we are seeing many people give up old grudges and resentments. We are seeing curses and vows broken. We are seeing people change the way they think about God and about themselves. We are seeing people learn how to think like a loved son or daughter, and live according to that, rather than a powerless victim.

In fact, we are seeing so much and learning so much, I hardly know how to communicate it all to you. This is a small snapshot.

I never used to understand what it meant when it was said that Christ came to set us free. Yes, from death- I knew that much. Say the prayer and you get to go to heaven, after your body dies. I used to think that was as far as "freedom" went. I used to think that until then, we had to just hang on for dear life, because this world is so evil and rotten that there is no hope for it. Jesus come soon, 'cause I can't stand it!!

Now - although Him coming just sounds incredibly exciting- I want Him to wait a bit. There are too many people who are walking around in bondage. And it seems like there are as many in the church as out of it that are in bondage- to every kind of slavery I can think of, or you can think of.

I want to see His Kingdom come- on earth as it is in heaven. Now. I want to be the one standing in the gap in the wall of my county, my city, my university- interceding for those within - for mercy. 'Cause they just don't know why they do what they do. They live for themselves and their pleasure to numb the pain of their lives. They don't know they are children of the Most High God, and their lives have a calling and a destiny.

Once they know that, look out. All creation groans waiting for the Sons of God to be revealed. All creation groans waiting for the sons and daughters of God to figure out who they are.

We were working out at this resort the other day (the kids and I go, 'cause Ilsa and Maddie and I are competing in a triathalon this summer) and there was this native american man in the weight room. I walked in, and the first thing that runs through my mind is "he is a man of peace."

I have been learning to listen to this kind of thing. We hear from three sources, right? God, the devil, and your own brain. The devil wouldn't tell me that this dude was a man of peace. My brain wouldn't. All I wanted to do was lift weights and get in the pool - I was focused. So when I heard that in my head, I listened. Frankly, I was a little chicken to share it with him, 'cause he was a big guy doing some pretty impressive lifting. I don't tend to just start conversations with men I don't know, you know?

But then I heard this: "And the grieving in his family is going to end, soon." This gave me more compassion for him than when I first walked into the room.

So, after some internal struggle, I asked the guy if he believed in God. "What?" he looked at me strange. I asked again. He shrugs his shoulders, but he's not combative or rude. Then I said, "because He just told me that you are a man of peace." The guy stopped pacing (he was resting in between lifting) and was just stunned. He thanked me several times. I, in my brain, am thanking God. Then I hear, "well, aren't you going to tell him the rest?"

Dang. That part was harder. What if I was wrong?

But by this time I had finished my lifting. I told him to have a nice day (yes, I was totally going to wuss out) and he said, "Yeah, you too. You already made mine."

What? Seriously? "That meant something to you?" I asked him. "Yes!" he said. Ohhhhhhkay. "Well there's more," I finally gave in and told him. "He also said that the grieving in your family is going to end, soon."

He stumbled a little in his pacing. Not huge, but I noticed. He said, "wow." Then he said, "Wow, wow." I asked what was up, and he told me that they had just lost a family member. By this time I was bold and asked if I could pray for him. I had already seen God touch him. He said yes - I asked if I could put my hand on his shoulder. He said yes. And I prayed for mercy and love and peace to permeate his family, his life. I can't even remember all I prayed, but it wrecked me. I was crying by the time I was finished. He was just happy.

God is so good, family. He is teaching Phil and I and our children and our students to walk like this all the time. He is teaching us that we do not need to be afraid of anything. Those people that look like they are so demonically oppressed, or so full of judgment or anger or negativity- God can reach them. We are learning that we do not have to convince them of anything- we just get to love them with the love and power of God, and He convinces them.

I'm not sure why I ever used to believe any other way, but I did. I think I am just becoming free.

For those of you that wondered about Grace attending an Emilie Autumn concert, let me tell you how it turned out. Unbeknownst to her, she had been gifted with VIP tickets, which enabled her to actually meet Emilie and talk to her. Our Gracie lou went in there and loved on Emilie, hugged her, gave her a gift. During the concert, she released the opposite of what she felt- if she felt fear, she released faith, if she felt anger, she released peace. By the end of the concert, three hundred some gothic, punk, corsetted and mohawk spouting kids were ballroom dancing and laughing to the song "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life."

How's that for cultural transformation? Or at least the beginning of it? We have appointed ourselves Emilie's prayer guardians. That talented young lady will someday know who she is, and that she is greatly loved by her Father.

Anyway, family, I just want to give you snapshots as I can. We love hearing from you and pray when you ask us to and rejoice with you and mourn with you. I'm sorry I don't always let you know that individually. Know you're loved!!


Us Thoofts