Hi Family!
We are in the throes of getting ready for Fall- pizza feeds, hayrides, meeting on campus again, girls teas, mens groups, relationship classes, kids in school, board meetings, Friday Night Worship resuming, Fall Retreat planning, finishing and refinancing our house, Bemidji Organization Bash Fair, building our sozo teams and having a weekend training- !
Makes me kinda dizzy looking at it :)
We sold the double wide- yes! It was moved away last week. We are living with one toilet, no hot water, no kitchen, and one sink. Good thing we're so flexible :) Phil, and all of us, are working hard to get this place finished before school starts, but I don't think that will happen. We'll just do our best and get it done when it gets done. I have a bunch of pictures on facebook and will post a few here.
Needless to say, Friday Night Worship can't meet here for now- and we'll be starting up again on the 24th at a historic building downtown Bemidji. Destiny Fellowship is allowing us to use their space- pretty cool! We should have a kitchen and bedrooms within a few weeks, so we're hoping by the time move in weekend comes and we start FNW again, we will have the bulk of the work around here done.
We got a note today from a student that graduated last spring. It was so encouraging. One of those notes that makes you want to keep doing what you're doing no matter what :) This is what she wrote:
Dear Phil and Michelle
You both have been such an inspiration throughout the past year. Your growth in your relationship with Christ has been a constant encouragement to me and gives me hope for my own future and relationship with Christ. I want you to know that if Chi Alpha or FNW didn't exist, I wouldn't have found my faith again. I want to encourage your work within the student body. You both have so much to offer! I love you both like family!
I don't share that to blow our horn, I share it so you can see that your love and support goes a long way. That note is for you, family, as much as it is for us. Every prayer you pray for us, every resource you share, every idea you have for us, every bit of wisdom, every dollar you send- just makes us more effective here. We appreciate it all so much.
Please be praying these next few weeks- that we get the work done here (so we can refinance and release some of our financial burden) quickly, that the students that are supposed to be part of Chi Alpha would be, that God's presence and love would be a highlight on campus this year. Please pray for strength and wisdom for us and our kids. Please pray that the remainder of our budget would come in for this month! And pray for rest- even in the midst of all of this. We know we can have supernatural strength and rest both.
Love you all- hope you're having a great summer!!
Us Thoofts