Hello Family!
Here is a great story: A long long time ago in a far far away place...Redwood Falls....we had a youth group. We have kept in touch with some of these kids as they have grown into young adults. Some came with us last winter to our Chi Alpha SALT conference. That was a hoot! But one young man from this crowd talks to Phil about once a week. He was telling Phil that God had convicted him of the way he had been treating a young lady he worked with. I'm not sure of all the details, but it sounded to me like she was reflecting some stuff this young man was trying to distance himself from- ie, she wasn't a believer. But God convicted him that she was His daughter, she was a Princess in His eyes, and he needed to treat her that way.
So our young friend started to do that. He was kind. He noticed she didn't have food for lunch sometimes, so he shared his lunches. They began to be friends.
Then he asked Phil if he should share the gospel with her. Phil said, "you know, don't push it. Be her friend. Love her. Ask God for an opening, and follow His lead." Basically, "love her without an agenda."
So our friend did that. He asked God for an opening, for Him to lead in this relationship, this friendship. And God did! Our friend was able to lead this young lady to the Lord- and now she is excitedly growing and learning about her new faith! How amazing is that!!??
They continue to learn and grow together. What a blessing.
We continue to meet with students and anyone who will join us on Friday nights to worship and pray for each other, our campus, and our community. There are some international students around for the summer, so we get to see them. We just finished the Danny Silk Relationship dvd's on Tuesday nights, and will be taking a summer hiatus from Tuesdays. Fall will come quickly!
So bless you family, have a wonderful June!
Phil & Michelle & tribe
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