Dear Family
I just wanted to update you on some potentially tragic news for Chi Alpha MN. Craig & Michele Krueger, photos above, are part of the U of M XA team in Minneapolis, and they pastor Sojourn Church on campus. They have 8 children, the oldest is 12 and the youngest is 10 months. Their family is wonderful- so encouraging, always. Michelle was just diagnosed with an aggressive cancerous brain tumor and has been told she has 14 months to live.
Their whole church community has already been reeling from the death three days ago of Katie Wyngaard, a 33 year old mother of two, from complications stemming from giving birth to their second child eight weeks ago. She apparently contracted pneumonia in the hospital, and has struggled with cystic fybrosis for years. Matt & Katie stayed with us while we were interning in Duluth. She was amazing- she would cough every day, purposefully, to try to rid her lungs of stuff. And she always seemed to have a cheerful heart, at least when we knew them. Now her children are without their mother.
This is a lot for the Mpls. campus Chi Alpha to deal with. When asked what we all could do to help, the response was "prayer and finances." As you imagine, the bills are high. If you live in the Minneapolis area and are willing to run kids, errands, bring meals, or babysit- let us know and we will contact you with the church.
If you are able to give, please go to http://chialphamn.org/give/ As you link through, there will be a place you can indicate "Craig & Michele" and the finances will get to them, and you will receive a tax receipt from the MN District.
This sickness is from the enemy. God does not give his children sickness....He is not an abusive Father! Please pray- war- that this cancer dissolve in Jesus name. He took stripes for this. Let's make sure He gets what He paid for.
We love you, dear family
Phil & Michelle & tribe
Bemidji State Chi Alpha
Hey family....here is a "comment" I got through email: We pray THIS with Danielle!!!!
ReplyDeleteWe say NO to cancer - Michelle is healed in Jesus name - Papa - let your peace overflow on the family, let faith rise up - let Jesus get the glory! Believing for an opposite report and for all the cancer to leave her body....
Did you know that the problem with cancer, is that its a cell that has lost it's ability to die, so we release those cells in her body to die. Cancer no more!
Blessing and Peace over you as well!