Summer is going so fast. I know you know what I mean! We have been doing what we do- Friday nights are still busy even though many students are gone for the summer. A few weeks ago, several went "bar hopping" after worship- ! They met some people and had some pretty cool God-encounters after hours! It's so inspiring to see these guys take their faith into all of the community- even the bars!
The School of Ministry is finishing it's first year this week (it went so fast!) and beginning its second year in September. Many of the ministry students are involved on Friday nights and some are involved with us on campus. We have a full schedule planned for Fall - from hayrides with students and international students to pizza feeds to our XA table at the Student Organization Bash. We have a pretty good team that is excited for new students coming in!
We have some big changes happening around here- another student is moving into the Thooft ranch (!) with us- Moriah Henkelman is transferring to BSU this fall and we are excited! Moriah's parents were our pastors in Redwood Falls- Bob & Pam Henkelman. Our kids pretty much grew up together, so it is really fun to have that connection. Another change- besides Eli attending public school, Ilsa and Maddie will be as well! It looks like they will be attending Voyageur's Expeditionary High School here in Bemidji. It's a smaller charter high school- a nice transition between home school and a huge public high school. They are looking forward to it.
I (Michelle) have been looking closely and praying about what I need to be involved in this fall- and it is narrowing down to a) supervising the worship for the campus meetings on Tuesday nights (ie delegating) b) Sozo on campus c) Sozo in the community d) Friday night worship and e) writing. Please pray for me as I listen- I know I have been involved in too much and need to focus. Phil is taking up the men's group again this fall (the group is on a month hiatus) along with Tuesday nights and Friday nights, and hopefully some time on campus.
The connection between us and InterVarsity has been so fun and encouraging- the unity among Christians on campus is growing stronger, and not just in words. The groups have begun to move in and among each other, and that is thrilling. I will be able to offer the Sozo prayer ministry to students in both groups this fall- the thought of helping students get spiritually and emotionally free and healthy is - amazing. Besides that- we are in the process of inviting every pastor in our community to come and share on a Friday night their vision for transformation in our community and how we as a worship intercessory group can pray for them. There is this feeling in the air like something is exploding. The danger is, of course, that we are running too hard. Please pray for us, family- we are more than willing to do the work, and work jobs, to see His kingdom come on campus and in our community. We remain optimistic and encouraged - just pray that we are wise with our time!
In the meantime, we hope you are having a great summer!! We will keep you posted!
love, us Thoofts
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