Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Lovely Northern Fall!

Dear Family

Recently I heard someone say that worship leaders around the world are experiencing the feeling of leading MANY more in worship than are actually there at any particular meeting. As if they are worshipping for many. I was really glad to hear this, because I have found myself pointedly singing for our entire campus- city- state- country- church..... almost every time I lead worship anywhere. Especially on campus and on Friday nights. And the music that is coming out recently is reflecting the same thing. I wanted to post one song that we have been singing a lot lately....the woman who wrote this wrote it for the city of San Francisco- "St. Francis" in the song. We sing it for our city, our campus. It has blessed us so much....just wanted to share :)

I can't figure out how to embed it! ahhhhh, I'm such a non-techie. So just click the link, and it will take you right to it.

We are having such a fall! After our hayrides, we jumped into Tuesday nights, which have been increasing. It's so fun to see new faces. We've had a few weddings- one couple met at Chi Alpha and the other were part of XA. So fun. Next up: the Renaissance Fair with our kids, Fall Retreat, Horse Camp, and we're getting invaded by the Scots! Our friends Cat & Jess are coming to stay near the end of October with their friends from Scotland. So looking forward to meeting them. And, Phil and I celebrate our 20th anniversary this month- how can that be?

I know, we weren't created to live in Time. That's why it's always passing to fast. Anyway. We love you and hope all is well- drop us a note when you get a minute!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

A Rather Longish Blog for a Few Short Weeks!

Hi Family!

We've had such a whirlwind few weeks- I wanted to tell you about them before I forget stuff! We have had two hayrides, graciously sponsored by our neighbors and friends, Dalen and Debbie Miller. Debbie harnessed up her Haflingers to a haywagon and neighbor Don brought his wagon and Belgians and we had enough room for dozens of students to literally ride on hay. It was a hoot. Then we roasted hot dogs and played games by a fire.

Friday nights have become almost packed to capacity. Personally, I don't mind them so full, but there are a few starting to say "ok, when and where are we going to move this?" I think that's a way off yet. After worship, most of the students have been heading downtown- a certain corner by Wells Fargo- with guitars, the d'jembe, blankets...and have been spending several hours just worshipping. People wander out of bars and stop to listen, one night an older couple danced in the street, and the local police have wandered by wondering what's up. When asked why they chose this particular corner, one of our students said, "because God really works here!" and the officer said, "Right. Ok! Have a great night!"

There have been many opportunities for serving people during these times.....prayer for whatever people need, be it peace or healing or whatever. Just listening. Or in-depth conversations about whatever people want to talk about. Last night a gentleman showed up with a ukelele and joined in. It's getting to be quite a thing!

Last night, also at FNW, one young lady asked for the microphone and said that two weeks ago when she arrived here in Bemidji, she was agnostic in her beliefs. But last week at FNW, she was re-born. Another young man took the mic and told the story of how he met the worshippers on the street last Friday night and now here he was.

And perhaps the most beautiful thing about all of this is- it isn't just us. It isn't even just our chi alpha students- it's Inter Varsity too. I can't even tell you how it all happened, but we are partners. IVCF and XA have "run together" so to speak. Our students go in and out of both groups. We are all at Friday night worship. We minister to the same kids. We help each other out, have movie nights together, even are planning to fundraise together. The unity on campus is something I have not yet seen- and it is so thrilling- we really are one Body.

As our friend Steph would say, "Dang, Shorty."

And tonight, at a wedding of two students who met at XA, I heard a story that really blessed me, even though no one in the room would know why. A groomsman in the wedding party was giving a speech, saying that he and the groom had been friends since high school. They went to separate colleges after high school, but kept in touch. Then his friend the groom went to a Christian conference. He came back completely changed. The groomsman went on to say how he waiting for it to "wear off"- after all, it was just a "conference high." But as the days rolled into weeks rolled into years, it didn't wear off. The young groom's life really had changed. He didn't think the same, or talk the same, or see the world the same. The groomsman then said, "I am following Christ today because of him."

This is what made me smile: our young groom was at that conference because I dragged him there. Quite literally. I hounded the poor guy until he came. And it changed his life, and he met his wife- at our regional SALT conference. I had to smile inside knowing that - without even knowing it- Phil and I had impacted this young groomsman's life, and he didn't even know it.

So listen to me, family- it's true for you as well. You have NO idea who you impact, how many lives are touched by yours. One thing we have been talking about practically daily- whether it's at home or on campus on Tuesdays or at Friday Night or all through the ministry school- is how we need to have mercy for people. We've gotten pretty good at having mercy on pre-believers- you know what I mean? Sinners sin, that's what they do. We don't need to clean people up to get them a bath. But when the church sins.....when the Christians who are supposed to love you and honor you- don't - ahhhh, that's tougher. But it's such a great blanket statement: honor everyone, have mercy, no matter what you think they think or what you think they believe. Don't even trouble your mind with thoughts of anything else. I'm just seeing- that everyone is always watching us- and you - and we have no idea who we are influencing, who we are moving one step closer to Jesus. Every time I choose to think badly of someone, I may be missing that opportunity to save a life, so to speak. Our young groom was quiet when we first met him- somewhat unapproachable - and he told us later that he struggled with depression. You had to really look to see the gold - even just believe it was there. All I did was see a gift he had- and I kept hammering on that and bugging him about coming to our meetings and SALT. And today he got married- and it was all sweetness and honor. I am so proud of him - he is forthright and open and approachable. He climbed out of that shell and started believing the truth about himself, and his God.

Anyway, I'm kind of rambling now. There are just so many cool stories happening here. Last weekend some great friends came up to visit, and we had some pretty glorious sozo time. This weekend another friend is up and we will spend some sozo time with him tomorrow. Life is full.

Perhaps due to this, Phil and I are planning to "hit the fundraising trail" once again. We took a couple year hiatus and got jobs. I think we needed it. But now- we are feeling the pull to put all that aside and get back to full time status. Most likely you will be hearing from us, and we are so looking forward to talking and even seeing many of you. It's been too long!

You are always right here with us!!
love love love
Phil and Michelle & Tribe