Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Lovely Northern Fall!

Dear Family

Recently I heard someone say that worship leaders around the world are experiencing the feeling of leading MANY more in worship than are actually there at any particular meeting. As if they are worshipping for many. I was really glad to hear this, because I have found myself pointedly singing for our entire campus- city- state- country- church..... almost every time I lead worship anywhere. Especially on campus and on Friday nights. And the music that is coming out recently is reflecting the same thing. I wanted to post one song that we have been singing a lot lately....the woman who wrote this wrote it for the city of San Francisco- "St. Francis" in the song. We sing it for our city, our campus. It has blessed us so much....just wanted to share :)

I can't figure out how to embed it! ahhhhh, I'm such a non-techie. So just click the link, and it will take you right to it.

We are having such a fall! After our hayrides, we jumped into Tuesday nights, which have been increasing. It's so fun to see new faces. We've had a few weddings- one couple met at Chi Alpha and the other were part of XA. So fun. Next up: the Renaissance Fair with our kids, Fall Retreat, Horse Camp, and we're getting invaded by the Scots! Our friends Cat & Jess are coming to stay near the end of October with their friends from Scotland. So looking forward to meeting them. And, Phil and I celebrate our 20th anniversary this month- how can that be?

I know, we weren't created to live in Time. That's why it's always passing to fast. Anyway. We love you and hope all is well- drop us a note when you get a minute!

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