Well family we had a wow weekend! Friday night was our worship night and we had a crowd. We prayed for situations brewing in our town, and grieved over the death of our friend Dan Cornia. He was 52 and brain cancer took his life. Super illegal. But we still believe.
Saturday night we had a crowd of teenagers. They're always such a hoot. Sunday afternoon our friend Sudhir came and started cooking. That man can cook. I feel like I know a few things in the kitchen, but when Sudhir comes, I am a kindergardener. So we chopped oceans of onions and carefully avoided the "american killer" peppers he loves to put in stuff, and mashed garlic and ginger. He talked of the open markets in Kathmandu, and how by 7 at night the temperatures have cooled from the daytime 110, and people start coming out, coming to the markets. You can buy anything there, he says. It is a wonderful place to see friends and hang out. He wants us to come to Kathmandu with him in three years when he travels home. They all tell us stories of the monkeys that roam the streets- like the squirrels we have here. If you're not careful, the monkeys will steal your food. You have to hide it. One jumped on Bina once and pulled a bag of chips out of her backpack! We hope to travel there someday.
By 6 ish, he left to go pick up a carload of friends, and Phil did the same. I think the final count last night was 15 Nepalis, 13 americans. At one point we were all gathered around the kitchen island wrapping momo. Sanjay was teaching me how to do it right. He said something to Asmita, and she answered back in Nepali. I copied her. Laughter erupted all around, because what I said to Sanjay, with apparent gusto and not meaning to obviously, was "shut up!" Hilarious.
It was Eli's 7th birthday yesterday. I knew our friends were planning to go together and buy him a gift- but I didn't expect a BIKE!! They showed up with a super cool red dirt bike - with training wheels!! He was freaking out. Then the second car load showed up with Atlantis Legos - !! And puzzles!! and Bionicles!! The kid had a banner day!
Bina- Sudhir's un-official fiance- brought a surprise last night. She brought 2 saris- traditional dress for Nepai women. And she "dressed up" myself and my friend Cheryl, who was a tremendous sport, I might add! It was really funny walking out of the dressing room (our bedroom) all decked out like a Nepali woman going to a party. So fun to see the looks on their faces- us white ladies wearing their dress. I felt like I honored them. And it was a blast. Grace tried one on later and loved it.
You know, Eli coined a word for our international friends. He calls them his "exotic" friends. So we white gals got to wear their exotic clothing. They said that if we were walking down the streets of Kathmandu, we would turn a lot of heads. Not necessarily because of our dress, but because we're so white, in our dress. A friend of ours tells a funny story about being in Kathmandu. One night after stuff was locked down for the night- apparently if you're a tourist they don't suggest you go out at night- and the hotel doors were locked. So he and his friend snuck out a window and followed the sound of music. Locating the door from which behind came the strains, they pounded. The door flung open to reveal a wedding party. The partiers eyes lit up, they grabbed our friends by the shirt, and pulled them into the room, exclaiming, "white man!!" Apparently we are good luck at a wedding.
So we partied last night, in our saris, with oceans of spicy food and american friends who understand that here is a crowd of the world in our livingroom. Chi Alpha's mission statement is to transform the university, the marketplace, and the world. The world comes right to our door, so by loving them, they go back and transform their culture. This is international relations at it's best. And it's so dang easy. And fun. Saturday we're all invited to Sudhir's house to party. I am so looking forward to it!
Have a fabulous day, family! we love you!
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