Sunday, December 18, 2011
Before they get Buried Beneath....
This song pretty much nails why we're here and what we're doing :) We've been seeing this over and over...young people "finally breaking" and calling out to God- needing Him to breathe! So many stories....thank you so much for making it possible for us to be here! Aslan is on the MOVE!
Will surely post more details and stories later....MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Love, us Thoofts
Friday, November 18, 2011

I have been facilitating a Sozo ("saved, healed, delivered") class at First Assembly this month. We have had twenty-something people there, wanting to learn this tool so they can help bring healing to people in our community. At our class the other night, one young man hung around until most of the others had left. This young man encountered a group of worshippers downtown Bemidji after a Friday Night Worship. They were worshipping on the corner of 3rd and Beltrami- like carolers in the summer- and attracting a crowd. Some people listened, some sang, some, like one older couple, danced. This young man was coming from one of the local bars and heard the music. He has been coming to Friday Night Worship ever since, and signed up for the Sozo training.
As we talked, I could see that he needed some time, but maybe the Holy Spirit wanted to do something right then. He began to tell me a devastating story from his childhood that he had to this point told no one. He had carried this his entire life- by himself. A seven year old boy is not meant to do that. Our amazing Holy Spirit wanted to heal him, and led him to this point. He was able to forgive who needed to forgive and receive what God had for him.
Watching this happen is always nothing short of miraculous for me. God just shows me what is going on, how to word things for them, and He does the rest. He embraces the orphans. I've seen Him do it. When I asked this young man how he was feeling after all of this- as he sat there letting the Holy Spirit love him- he said, "Free."
At the same time, our daughter Maddie was at a school leadership conference. Student council and other leaders from high schools all around MN gathered at this event. The speaker - at a secular high school leadership event- spoke of forgiveness and how important it was, how it sets people free. How, if you don't forgive, you are in a prison. (!!??!!) One young man in her class who is on student council with her, had been giving her a hard time lately. He is convinced that Communism is what our country needs, dresses like a Russian soldier, and admires the Nazi party. He calls himself a pagan and proudly relays the fact that his mother is a "witch." Ilsa and Maddie have been sharing the tools of healthy relationships, especially Love Languages, with all their friends at school, and this guy is no exception, even though he has been prickly. In simple words, they are "loving on" their classmates.
Maddie has had some impetego on her chin this week, and she noticed that this young man was staring at it a lot. Finally, in the hearing of a teacher and another friend, he said, "You look absolutely disgusting." When Maddie told us this, there was a sharp inhale in the car! WHAT?!?! He said what?!? Her friend, another guy, immediately denounced it with, "What? I think she is beautiful, no matter what she looks like!" Maddie was able to brush it off (which is more than I can say about me at her age!) Later she asked him what that was all about, and just told him that saying something like that was really rude and hurtful to people. He defended himself. This young man has never apologized for anything up to this point.
So fast forward to Wednesday night- as I was praying with the young man at the Sozo class- the speaker at the conference was slicing open hard-hearted teenagers. This young man stood up, along with many others in the group, and shared about why he transferred from the large high school to Maddie's charter high school. He had been molested by his older brother, and then made fun of and beat up at the high school for it. Hence the transfer. Maddie cried with him, and later offered her forgiveness for his mean comments. He looked at her, and said, "Maddie, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I said that."
After that, Maddie's teacher told her that she and Ilsa have made a huge impact on their school. "You have changed our school," he said.
Maddie also had an opportunity to help another friend begin to forgive her dad for molesting her when she was little. This young lady now wants to come to the Sozo training.
How's that for revival, family? I love watching the Holy Spirit and out of the church. It's so beautiful. I'm in tears as I write all this. We continue to meet on Friday nights.....offering our worship to God, praying for the sick, seeing many healed. Tuesday nights on campus, however, have been small. We recently had a prayer meeting with our leaders and put everything on a shelf- and asked God what He was doing on campus and determined to do whatever that is. Tuesday nights are going to look different, and we're excited to see what that will look like.
So Aslan is on the move, family. Enjoy your Thanksgiving and remember that!!
Love, us Thoofts
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Lovely Northern Fall!
Dear Family
Recently I heard someone say that worship leaders around the world are experiencing the feeling of leading MANY more in worship than are actually there at any particular meeting. As if they are worshipping for many. I was really glad to hear this, because I have found myself pointedly singing for our entire campus- city- state- country- church..... almost every time I lead worship anywhere. Especially on campus and on Friday nights. And the music that is coming out recently is reflecting the same thing. I wanted to post one song that we have been singing a lot lately....the woman who wrote this wrote it for the city of San Francisco- "St. Francis" in the song. We sing it for our city, our campus. It has blessed us so much....just wanted to share :)
I can't figure out how to embed it! ahhhhh, I'm such a non-techie. So just click the link, and it will take you right to it.
We are having such a fall! After our hayrides, we jumped into Tuesday nights, which have been increasing. It's so fun to see new faces. We've had a few weddings- one couple met at Chi Alpha and the other were part of XA. So fun. Next up: the Renaissance Fair with our kids, Fall Retreat, Horse Camp, and we're getting invaded by the Scots! Our friends Cat & Jess are coming to stay near the end of October with their friends from Scotland. So looking forward to meeting them. And, Phil and I celebrate our 20th anniversary this month- how can that be?
I know, we weren't created to live in Time. That's why it's always passing to fast. Anyway. We love you and hope all is well- drop us a note when you get a minute!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
A Rather Longish Blog for a Few Short Weeks!
Hi Family!
We've had such a whirlwind few weeks- I wanted to tell you about them before I forget stuff! We have had two hayrides, graciously sponsored by our neighbors and friends, Dalen and Debbie Miller. Debbie harnessed up her Haflingers to a haywagon and neighbor Don brought his wagon and Belgians and we had enough room for dozens of students to literally ride on hay. It was a hoot. Then we roasted hot dogs and played games by a fire.
Friday nights have become almost packed to capacity. Personally, I don't mind them so full, but there are a few starting to say "ok, when and where are we going to move this?" I think that's a way off yet. After worship, most of the students have been heading downtown- a certain corner by Wells Fargo- with guitars, the d'jembe, blankets...and have been spending several hours just worshipping. People wander out of bars and stop to listen, one night an older couple danced in the street, and the local police have wandered by wondering what's up. When asked why they chose this particular corner, one of our students said, "because God really works here!" and the officer said, "Right. Ok! Have a great night!"
There have been many opportunities for serving people during these times.....prayer for whatever people need, be it peace or healing or whatever. Just listening. Or in-depth conversations about whatever people want to talk about. Last night a gentleman showed up with a ukelele and joined in. It's getting to be quite a thing!
Last night, also at FNW, one young lady asked for the microphone and said that two weeks ago when she arrived here in Bemidji, she was agnostic in her beliefs. But last week at FNW, she was re-born. Another young man took the mic and told the story of how he met the worshippers on the street last Friday night and now here he was.
And perhaps the most beautiful thing about all of this is- it isn't just us. It isn't even just our chi alpha students- it's Inter Varsity too. I can't even tell you how it all happened, but we are partners. IVCF and XA have "run together" so to speak. Our students go in and out of both groups. We are all at Friday night worship. We minister to the same kids. We help each other out, have movie nights together, even are planning to fundraise together. The unity on campus is something I have not yet seen- and it is so thrilling- we really are one Body.
As our friend Steph would say, "Dang, Shorty."
And tonight, at a wedding of two students who met at XA, I heard a story that really blessed me, even though no one in the room would know why. A groomsman in the wedding party was giving a speech, saying that he and the groom had been friends since high school. They went to separate colleges after high school, but kept in touch. Then his friend the groom went to a Christian conference. He came back completely changed. The groomsman went on to say how he waiting for it to "wear off"- after all, it was just a "conference high." But as the days rolled into weeks rolled into years, it didn't wear off. The young groom's life really had changed. He didn't think the same, or talk the same, or see the world the same. The groomsman then said, "I am following Christ today because of him."
This is what made me smile: our young groom was at that conference because I dragged him there. Quite literally. I hounded the poor guy until he came. And it changed his life, and he met his wife- at our regional SALT conference. I had to smile inside knowing that - without even knowing it- Phil and I had impacted this young groomsman's life, and he didn't even know it.
So listen to me, family- it's true for you as well. You have NO idea who you impact, how many lives are touched by yours. One thing we have been talking about practically daily- whether it's at home or on campus on Tuesdays or at Friday Night or all through the ministry school- is how we need to have mercy for people. We've gotten pretty good at having mercy on pre-believers- you know what I mean? Sinners sin, that's what they do. We don't need to clean people up to get them a bath. But when the church sins.....when the Christians who are supposed to love you and honor you- don't - ahhhh, that's tougher. But it's such a great blanket statement: honor everyone, have mercy, no matter what you think they think or what you think they believe. Don't even trouble your mind with thoughts of anything else. I'm just seeing- that everyone is always watching us- and you - and we have no idea who we are influencing, who we are moving one step closer to Jesus. Every time I choose to think badly of someone, I may be missing that opportunity to save a life, so to speak. Our young groom was quiet when we first met him- somewhat unapproachable - and he told us later that he struggled with depression. You had to really look to see the gold - even just believe it was there. All I did was see a gift he had- and I kept hammering on that and bugging him about coming to our meetings and SALT. And today he got married- and it was all sweetness and honor. I am so proud of him - he is forthright and open and approachable. He climbed out of that shell and started believing the truth about himself, and his God.
Anyway, I'm kind of rambling now. There are just so many cool stories happening here. Last weekend some great friends came up to visit, and we had some pretty glorious sozo time. This weekend another friend is up and we will spend some sozo time with him tomorrow. Life is full.
Perhaps due to this, Phil and I are planning to "hit the fundraising trail" once again. We took a couple year hiatus and got jobs. I think we needed it. But now- we are feeling the pull to put all that aside and get back to full time status. Most likely you will be hearing from us, and we are so looking forward to talking and even seeing many of you. It's been too long!
You are always right here with us!!
love love love
Phil and Michelle & Tribe
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Leaky Kitchens and Pizza Feeds!
Hello Family!
We just had a great welcome week activity :) We sponsored a huge pizza feed on campus yesterday, and fed about 200 students. The beauty of a pizza feed is that they have to wait while their pizza grills- and we get to chat. We met dozens of new faces and re-met dozens of old ones, made connections, and had a blast. I posted all the pictures on the BSU Chi Alpha Facebook page- if you are on facebook, please find me! I will connect you with that page and you will get more updates and pictures and would be able to comment and interact with other people who are "fans" of Bemidji Chi Alpha.
This week we begin our Tuesday nights on campus, and in addition to Friday night worship, we are having a big horse-drawn hayride and cookout this Saturday and also on Labor Day. The Beaver Organizational Bash is Thursday. Got a big couple weeks ahead of us!
On top of that, our slightly bummer news is that we found a leak under our kitchen sink that Phil suspects was there for possibly a month. It destroyed the walls, the floor and the lower cupboards. So our kitchen is gutted- the night before move-in. :) YAY!!! The good news is, whether insurance covers it or not, I get a new kitchen. The bad news is, we really don't have time for this. But God provides always- and we are looking to Him for both the cash and the time!
Here are some pictures of the Pizza Feed- enjoy :) We love you family!!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Hey Family!
Summer is going so fast. I know you know what I mean! We have been doing what we do- Friday nights are still busy even though many students are gone for the summer. A few weeks ago, several went "bar hopping" after worship- ! They met some people and had some pretty cool God-encounters after hours! It's so inspiring to see these guys take their faith into all of the community- even the bars!
The School of Ministry is finishing it's first year this week (it went so fast!) and beginning its second year in September. Many of the ministry students are involved on Friday nights and some are involved with us on campus. We have a full schedule planned for Fall - from hayrides with students and international students to pizza feeds to our XA table at the Student Organization Bash. We have a pretty good team that is excited for new students coming in!
We have some big changes happening around here- another student is moving into the Thooft ranch (!) with us- Moriah Henkelman is transferring to BSU this fall and we are excited! Moriah's parents were our pastors in Redwood Falls- Bob & Pam Henkelman. Our kids pretty much grew up together, so it is really fun to have that connection. Another change- besides Eli attending public school, Ilsa and Maddie will be as well! It looks like they will be attending Voyageur's Expeditionary High School here in Bemidji. It's a smaller charter high school- a nice transition between home school and a huge public high school. They are looking forward to it.
I (Michelle) have been looking closely and praying about what I need to be involved in this fall- and it is narrowing down to a) supervising the worship for the campus meetings on Tuesday nights (ie delegating) b) Sozo on campus c) Sozo in the community d) Friday night worship and e) writing. Please pray for me as I listen- I know I have been involved in too much and need to focus. Phil is taking up the men's group again this fall (the group is on a month hiatus) along with Tuesday nights and Friday nights, and hopefully some time on campus.
The connection between us and InterVarsity has been so fun and encouraging- the unity among Christians on campus is growing stronger, and not just in words. The groups have begun to move in and among each other, and that is thrilling. I will be able to offer the Sozo prayer ministry to students in both groups this fall- the thought of helping students get spiritually and emotionally free and healthy is - amazing. Besides that- we are in the process of inviting every pastor in our community to come and share on a Friday night their vision for transformation in our community and how we as a worship intercessory group can pray for them. There is this feeling in the air like something is exploding. The danger is, of course, that we are running too hard. Please pray for us, family- we are more than willing to do the work, and work jobs, to see His kingdom come on campus and in our community. We remain optimistic and encouraged - just pray that we are wise with our time!
In the meantime, we hope you are having a great summer!! We will keep you posted!
love, us Thoofts
Thursday, June 16, 2011
A Beautiful Month!
We were fed carbs the whole weekend.....lovely!! 
the three finishers!
Ilsa - one happy finisher!
Ilsa again :)
Maddie and I off for the second leg of the race- the 10 mile bike :)
Eli- Jonah- Luke: cousins!!
Ian with his new cousin Ally and his new auntie Kelly :)
Ilsa finishing the last leg of the race!
Me getting out of the swim...I don't look happy but I AM!!
the three finishers!
Ilsa - one happy finisher!
Ilsa again :)
Maddie and I off for the second leg of the race- the 10 mile bike :)
Eli- Jonah- Luke: cousins!!
Ian with his new cousin Ally and his new auntie Kelly :)
Ilsa finishing the last leg of the race!
Me getting out of the swim...I don't look happy but I AM!!
the family!
Ian and his family and my parents :)
the Trinona/Thooft canoe!
Maddie finishing the swim leg!
Mads :)
Eli and his cousin Jonah :)
Ian and I
My sister Chris and niece Anha :)
Me and my sisters!
sister shot
Hey Family!
Ian and his family and my parents :)
the Trinona/Thooft canoe!
Maddie finishing the swim leg!
Mads :)
Eli and his cousin Jonah :)
Ian and I
My sister Chris and niece Anha :)
Me and my sisters!
sister shot
Hey Family!
We got a phone call the other day from one of our very first international students- Sudhir. He has had some trouble with his visa this year- some long story about not finishing a test and not getting accepted back into the university and being in Nepal for a visit and coming back....he made it back in, but our university did not accept him back. So he moved to Pittsburgh and began the re-application process. He had nothing to eat. So he prayed to our God, because we had been telling him how much God loved him and wanted to provide for him. He said, "I know your God is real, and I give praise to Him, because when I had no food or money, I asked Him to get me through. And He did. And I know you guys were praying for me a lot, and He got me through. And I give the praise to your God because He did this for me."
WOW!!! This is one of our Hindu friends, giving praise to the living God. Since that hard time, he has been accepted to St. Cloud State- and the university in Pittsburgh. He is planning to come back to MN and attend St. Cloud. While we are so sad to lose him here at BSU, at least he will be close, and we will connect him with our chi alpha family there. What a wonderful story!! We are so live your life in front of these guys, take them in, feed them, love them, listen, hug on them, speak the truth- all while doing our best not to just preach at them but honor them as people we enjoy even as Hindus :) - and fruit comes. God is just faithful, and he honors our loving his sheep. We've known Sudhir for three years. He hasn't prayed a "sinners prayer" or renounced Hinduism- but he is on a path to knowing the True God. We love this process!
A personal praise- we finished the Trinona Triathlon! Ilsa, Maddie, and I (Michelle) ran it last Sunday. 1/4 mile swim, 10mile bike, and 3.1 mile run. Ilsa won 2nd in her age division, and Maddie and I finished under the time we were hoping to finish. I had a blast. We all did! I couldn't wipe the silly grin off my face for the whole thing!! My son Ian and his adoptive family were reunited with his birth family- both my parents and their spouses spent time together in the same place for the first time in 35 years. It was a beautiful thing. And on top of all of that, I won a We-no-nah Canoe. Every time I see it sitting outside I remember the faithfulness of God- I had to write a note on facebook telling why I thought I should win the canoe- and while "should" isnt' a word I would choose- I wrote of Ian's adoption and the reunion all commencing around the triathlon. They chose my entry, and I won this amazing canoe. Pictures are all from this weekend- enjoy!!
Thank you so much family for your continued support! You're amazing and we love you!!
Us Thoofts
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Hello Family!
I am sitting in my livingroom and outside my window the grass is 8" high in some places! Why don't you MOW, you ask? Because Phil and the girls bring the horses over to eat it now and then. Yeah. So I have long grass a lot. Oh well.
We're enjoying three or four days of rain, so I am actually catching up on a few things! You know how those indoor to-do lists just get ignored when it's gorgeous outside? I have been able to cross off a bunch today!
All the students who are off for the summer have gone. Eli still has three weeks of school, so it's kind of weird- our summer has started but not officially. Our girls want jobs, but want to set their own hours, so instead of me gardening and selling to restaurants and grocery stores this summer, we have decided to pool our gardening efforts and start a CSA. (community supported agriculture) Maddie is our only college-bound child thus far (or so they've said) and they all have things they want to do but need to support themselves. So my hope is that they will take off with this thing and make it their own. Kind of like home-school-on-the-job-training! Our time with them is running short- Grace will be 20 this year, Ilsa 18, and Maddie 15. So the time with them is fabulous. Students have been enjoying the garden time as well- getting in a good afternoon of hauling and digging and tilling and planting! My camera has died (again, yes, again) or I would share pictures!
ALSO- we had a GREAT end of the year gathering with American and International students! We have had some of our students jokingly tell us to apply for Extreme Home Makeover because even though we have a 30x30 room we just don't have enough room. Trying to cook in the kitchen with 20 people just isn't working so well. So I have seriously thought about it. (haven't done it though!) So at this last gathering, we had probably 20 Americans and 20 internationals. Something like that. We cooked Nepali and Indian food, had an egg hunt (thanks to student Cody who bought and filled 450 plastic eggs!!) and then took the crowd down the road for a hay ride! It was one of those perfect early spring days....warm and bug-free. I just have never seen people so relaxed and having so much fun. It was almost nostalgic. Again, my camera is broken. But John took photos- I'll try to get them for you. They're on the facebook page for our international friends- if you're on facebook, shoot me a note that you want to be invited to that page. Then you can totally keep track of everything we do!
Otherwise, we have three weeks left before the big Triathalon.....yikes. It's been up and down, honestly. I am 90% sure we can finish the race, but I have NO idea how we will do. I am pretty confident for myself for the swim and the bike, but the run..... I still can't run very far. I can walk a pretty fast mile, though. That, coupled with race day adreneline, and all the training we've put in should get us through! I really don't want to come in last, but I guess someone has to :) But you never know, I might surprise myself!
Summer plans here include getting our girls working, a few trips to visit family, Friday Night Worship, Thursday night men's group, finishing the school of ministry (we're done in July), getting geared up for fall (which starts mid August for us!), some Sozos and Sozo training, and hopefully, many good times by the fire pit and on the swing. What are you all up to?
Love you family! Will post pictures as soon as I get them!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
And, Another Sozo Story
Hello Family!
I have a great story for you. In about 2005, we had a young one coming to chi alpha who had some troubling stuff going on. In fact, this one handed me a note one day that said "PLEASE HELP ME!!" and I am sorry to say that after reading it, I decided I could not help them. I didn't have the tools. I didn't know what to do. So this one sort of wandered off and we only saw them intermittently.
Fast forward six years. We have been doing sozos with people, watching God save, heal and deliver. I am at a coffee house with a local pastor friend, and there is this young one, the one that handed me the note so many years ago. We chatted a little, and exchanged phone numbers. Later, they found me on facebook, and we began a conversation about the weather. :) But that didn't last long, because I had to know- and I asked how they were doing- what was going on since that note. I wasn't sure if they would be offended or angry or what....and they were excited that I asked, and gladly informed me that they were lost and in need of more help than ever. We made a coffee date and I explained the whole sozo thing. I was also able to apologize for dropping them years ago. I was graciously forgiven, and they excitedly set up a sozo appointment.
I have just returned from that sozo. The hard thing about talking about sozos is that I can't talk about them- !! But suffice to say this: today I was privileged to watch a young person go from darkness to light, from the sincere and strong temptation of demon worship to quite literally being in the arms of their Father. I watched our great and amazing God shine light on every lie this young one was living in, and heal the hurts, and redefine the truth for them. I saw the gift this person has come shining out like sunlight after a tornado. Not all people we have "sozo'd" have left skipping, but this one did. Skipping and laughing. Seriously.
And this one was seriously contemplating Wicca a week ago. Now the friend in Wicca wants a sozo too.
Just thought I'd share!!!! Thank you for your love and support that allows us to do this!
love, us Thoofts :)
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Hey Family!
Good things are happening in Bemidji! We are seeing people's lives transformed. Last month- or quite recently (can't remember !) I told you about the Sozo (Saved, Healed, Delivered) tool we've been learning. Did I say it was amazing? Oh, yeah, I think I did :) Well- not only have we "sozo'd" all of our family and many of our friends, we are beginning to sozo students and people in our community. We have been getting calls for appointments. We hosted a training, where we trained another 13 people in the method, so we can get this tool in other people's hands and broaden our ability to work with more people.
Currently, we have one church in the area who wants the training so they can start helping people see freedom :) Two other churches have graciously opened their facilities to us so we have a place to meet with people. How cool is that?!?
One young lady we met with recently had gone through some super traumatic stuff- and at one point during her sozo we had to kind of help her out of a post -traumatic stress panic attack. I don't know if that is exactly officially what it is called, but that is what it felt like to us! But God is SO FAITHFUL.....he brought her out and healed her. She literally came bouncing in to the next Friday night worship meeting.....and the next......and the next...... I asked her how she was doing recently, and she said, "GREAT!!!! I have my LIFE back!!" She has gone through the training now and wishes to help others get their lives back with the Sozo tool. This week we have our first Sozo on campus :)
We are so excited about this.
So pray with us, family -school is out in five weeks and we are planning next fall. We will keep you posted! Our kids are doing well- Grace is finishing her requirements to graduate and working on ACT pre-testing, Ilsa and Maddie are plugging away at schoolwork and enjoying their horses and training with me to run the Triathalon in June :)(although Ilsa threw her kneecap out last week...praying for a swift and full recovery so she can still compete!) and Eli is still enjoying first grade at Lincoln Elementary. His teacher adores him and often emails me about all the cute things he does in class :) We are enjoying every stage of life with our kids....what a blessing they are!!!
In regards to Ilsa's knee accident- we do not have insurance :) So if anyone is able to help out with the medical bills, that would be amazing. You can use the donate button on this blog and it comes right to us and you receive a tax-deductible receipt. We don't know how much they are yet, but it involved a 3am emergency room run (long story!! they were up watching movies with students!) about six x-rays, two trips under to get the kneecap back in place, two shots of morphine, and another trip to an ortho. Yay. But she's doing great now, and hoping to still compete in June. (
One resource that we want EVERYONE in the world to experience is Loving on Purpose. We have never found anything more compelling, Biblically sound, motivating, and empowering than his stuff. We use it now with our students, our kids, and ESPECIALLY anyone planning to get married. In fact, we don't marry anyone anymore until they've gone through a personal Sozo and Danny Silk's Defining the Relationship. Our thinking is, "get as cleaned up as we can before we get married!!" There is just nothing better out there, and we've read the other stuff. Check into it- you'll love it.
We recently had a night with internationals over- that was wonderful, as usual. The kitchen was so packed with Americans and internationals we didn't have room to move. We made homemade pasta and had a blast. Our next gathering is to have them all over the day before Easter and treat them to an American Easter dinner, and dying eggs, and an egg hunt! Should be fun!
So family....thanks for reading :) We love you, and we love getting your email updates! I still haven't figured out how to upload videos on here- I'm having trouble changing their format somehow- but when I get it figured out, I'll email you the link.
Have a wonderful April!!
love love love
us Thoofts
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
A Little Personal Snapshot
Well, family, we are enjoying watching people change around us. For the better I mean. Since we have learned to use the Sozo tool I blogged about a few weeks ago, we are seeing many people give up old grudges and resentments. We are seeing curses and vows broken. We are seeing people change the way they think about God and about themselves. We are seeing people learn how to think like a loved son or daughter, and live according to that, rather than a powerless victim.
In fact, we are seeing so much and learning so much, I hardly know how to communicate it all to you. This is a small snapshot.
I never used to understand what it meant when it was said that Christ came to set us free. Yes, from death- I knew that much. Say the prayer and you get to go to heaven, after your body dies. I used to think that was as far as "freedom" went. I used to think that until then, we had to just hang on for dear life, because this world is so evil and rotten that there is no hope for it. Jesus come soon, 'cause I can't stand it!!
Now - although Him coming just sounds incredibly exciting- I want Him to wait a bit. There are too many people who are walking around in bondage. And it seems like there are as many in the church as out of it that are in bondage- to every kind of slavery I can think of, or you can think of.
I want to see His Kingdom come- on earth as it is in heaven. Now. I want to be the one standing in the gap in the wall of my county, my city, my university- interceding for those within - for mercy. 'Cause they just don't know why they do what they do. They live for themselves and their pleasure to numb the pain of their lives. They don't know they are children of the Most High God, and their lives have a calling and a destiny.
Once they know that, look out. All creation groans waiting for the Sons of God to be revealed. All creation groans waiting for the sons and daughters of God to figure out who they are.
We were working out at this resort the other day (the kids and I go, 'cause Ilsa and Maddie and I are competing in a triathalon this summer) and there was this native american man in the weight room. I walked in, and the first thing that runs through my mind is "he is a man of peace."
I have been learning to listen to this kind of thing. We hear from three sources, right? God, the devil, and your own brain. The devil wouldn't tell me that this dude was a man of peace. My brain wouldn't. All I wanted to do was lift weights and get in the pool - I was focused. So when I heard that in my head, I listened. Frankly, I was a little chicken to share it with him, 'cause he was a big guy doing some pretty impressive lifting. I don't tend to just start conversations with men I don't know, you know?
But then I heard this: "And the grieving in his family is going to end, soon." This gave me more compassion for him than when I first walked into the room.
So, after some internal struggle, I asked the guy if he believed in God. "What?" he looked at me strange. I asked again. He shrugs his shoulders, but he's not combative or rude. Then I said, "because He just told me that you are a man of peace." The guy stopped pacing (he was resting in between lifting) and was just stunned. He thanked me several times. I, in my brain, am thanking God. Then I hear, "well, aren't you going to tell him the rest?"
Dang. That part was harder. What if I was wrong?
But by this time I had finished my lifting. I told him to have a nice day (yes, I was totally going to wuss out) and he said, "Yeah, you too. You already made mine."
What? Seriously? "That meant something to you?" I asked him. "Yes!" he said. Ohhhhhhkay. "Well there's more," I finally gave in and told him. "He also said that the grieving in your family is going to end, soon."
He stumbled a little in his pacing. Not huge, but I noticed. He said, "wow." Then he said, "Wow, wow." I asked what was up, and he told me that they had just lost a family member. By this time I was bold and asked if I could pray for him. I had already seen God touch him. He said yes - I asked if I could put my hand on his shoulder. He said yes. And I prayed for mercy and love and peace to permeate his family, his life. I can't even remember all I prayed, but it wrecked me. I was crying by the time I was finished. He was just happy.
God is so good, family. He is teaching Phil and I and our children and our students to walk like this all the time. He is teaching us that we do not need to be afraid of anything. Those people that look like they are so demonically oppressed, or so full of judgment or anger or negativity- God can reach them. We are learning that we do not have to convince them of anything- we just get to love them with the love and power of God, and He convinces them.
I'm not sure why I ever used to believe any other way, but I did. I think I am just becoming free.
For those of you that wondered about Grace attending an Emilie Autumn concert, let me tell you how it turned out. Unbeknownst to her, she had been gifted with VIP tickets, which enabled her to actually meet Emilie and talk to her. Our Gracie lou went in there and loved on Emilie, hugged her, gave her a gift. During the concert, she released the opposite of what she felt- if she felt fear, she released faith, if she felt anger, she released peace. By the end of the concert, three hundred some gothic, punk, corsetted and mohawk spouting kids were ballroom dancing and laughing to the song "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life."
How's that for cultural transformation? Or at least the beginning of it? We have appointed ourselves Emilie's prayer guardians. That talented young lady will someday know who she is, and that she is greatly loved by her Father.
Anyway, family, I just want to give you snapshots as I can. We love hearing from you and pray when you ask us to and rejoice with you and mourn with you. I'm sorry I don't always let you know that individually. Know you're loved!!
Us Thoofts

Saturday, February 19, 2011
Knees Healed and Sozo Stories
Hello family! I just had to update you on a few cool things.....
Last night at Friday night worship (which was packed out - sweeeeeet) when we had finished the singing part of worship, I was asking the Lord what He wanted to do, what He was doing. One of our students, Cody, said, "Does anyone's knees hurt?"
HA!! I love it when this happens, 'cause it's an indicator that God is already healing knees! (or whatever it might be) Four people stood up, and 3-4 of them got their knees healed. I forgot to ask about the last one :) Then He healed a sprained ankle. She jumped on it and it didn't hurt :) Then I got to do some Sozo prayer with another campus pastor - an Inter Varsity gal who is adorable and has been coming to Friday nights - and God is just so cool.
Yesterday I drove our daughter Grace to Brainerd where she was staying with a friend because they are leaving for the Cities today to go see an Emily Autumn concert. Maddie came along so we could have face time in the car on the way home. Grace said to me, "Mom, since I had my Sozo, I'm not afraid anymore to tell people I'm a Christian. I used to kind of be embarrassed to tell people, but now, I just tell them. I really like that."
This is huge for us- and for all of you who have been praying for our daughter- because there was a time when we were not sure what she believed. God is taking our kids through their own transformation. We are so encouraged! We talked more of the concert, and I told her, "you know, you might get slimed at this concert..." meaning- Emily Autumn isn't exactly Lady Gaga, but she isn't Amy Grant, either. We talked about what she could do at the concert to bless the kids around her. If she felt something "yukky" coming at her, she could release the opposite into the atmosphere. ie- she feels depression, she can release joy. If she feels death, she can release life. Confusion- release clarity. It goes on and on. Our words carry such weight....they release realities, they create worlds. I told her, who knows, maybe you'll get to pray for some kids at the concert!
She was totally up for that. Most likely she'll come home with new facebook friends.
We're really excited about all the kids we're seeing around here. New faces every week. God is good, and He is bringing them in.
Back to homework. For class we're reading Culture of Honor by Danny Silk. Before that it was When Heaven Invades Earth by Bill Johnson. I highly recommend them both- life changing!
Love you family!!!!
Phil & Michelle & Clan
Friday, February 4, 2011
I wanted to update you on some pretty exciting happenings here at BSU!
Within the Bemidji Area School of Transformation, (BAST) of which Phil and I and 5 of our leaders are a part, we have gone through training for a prayer ministry called Sozo. The word means "saved, healed, delivered." And it has nothing to do with screaming minions and scary manifestations. We do not "filet people open." God simply shows up, and we direct. He, and the person being ministered to, does all the work.
I have seen 10 people, and counting, get free this week of life-debilitating stuff.
The training, which is available through, (go to the site and scroll down and watch the video) has given us the tools to pray with anyone, anywhere and help them get free. The devil does not have any power in our lives except what we give him through agreement. He didn't give Eve the apple by force. She believed him and agreed with him. As do we. Anytime we do not guard our hearts against the enemy crouching at our door, we invite crap into our lives. As long as we allow it, it has a right to stay. Stuff like debilitating fears, unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, debilitating habits, addictions, hatred, judgment, wrong beliefs about God. These things can lead to all kinds of sickness and disease (dis-ease). Sometimes generational stuff can affect our lives and we don't even know it. Meddling with fear, hatred, sexual sin, and the occult can open doors in our lives to all kinds of stuff. Sometimes we build walls in our hearts to protect us from further pain or disappointment, walls that keep us from God and from those we love.
Sozo is quite literally, "taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ." It is learning to think well and rightly about yourself in relation to God and everyone around you.
We were all created uniquely and wonderfully, with innate abilities to give and receive love. These have been called our "love languages." The enemy knows what those things are for you and for me and has worked overtime in our lives to make sure we were wounded in those very areas, therefore creating lies in our lives that we believe about our God.
Those lies need to come down in order for us to experience the freedom with which Christ came to set us free. I have seen people so bound up with fear that they couldn't function and struggled with using alcohol to numb the pain get free this week. I have seen people cursed, albeit unknowingly, by their parents get free this week. I have seen vibrant God-lovers bound up with hatred and unforgiveness set free this week.
We are seeing people shed this stuff and step into the destiny God created for them. We saw it yesterday, and the day before, and the day before. Becky and I have two appointments with two more people today- people hungry to be free of pain.
So family, this is crazy amazing stuff. My hope is to provide this prayer ministry for every student who comes through Chi Alpha. We have already talked about beginning next fall, taking appointments for Sozo sessions during our Tuesday night meeting. While most of the group is worshipping, we are ministering to one or two students a week in the next room.
We have been through the basic Sozo training. Once this session of BAST is complete in July, we plan to go through the advanced training, which among other things, has seen huge success in working with disassociative issues- multiple personality disorders. This is SO EXCITING!!! God is beginning a revival in HEALING!
So much harm has been done in the name of Jesus by people who mean well but do not understand that they are acting out of their own fear or hatred or addictions. We are really excited about this tool and hope to see hundreds more captives set free!
love you family!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
More SALT Pictures for you :)
I think I can say that Cody is our resident goof-ball.....along with our daughters, of course!

Phil and Brett :) We go out to dinner one night at SALT to a nice restaurant. The group decided it would be tie affair. We didn't bring a tie :)

Oh, here are our kids!! L-R: Anna, Abbi, Cody, Justin, Mark, Sonny, Ben. Bottom L-R: Kit & Kat, Gabi :)
The BSU Dodgeball Team!! We lost!!But they sure look great!! Yaaay!!

Phil and Brett :) We go out to dinner one night at SALT to a nice restaurant. The group decided it would be tie affair. We didn't bring a tie :)

Oh, here are our kids!! L-R: Anna, Abbi, Cody, Justin, Mark, Sonny, Ben. Bottom L-R: Kit & Kat, Gabi :)

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